Surprisingly I had never heard of this talented duo and it appears from what I could find on the Internet neither has the majority of the world. No reviews are available in English though there ,ight be one behind a French paywall. But perhaps, I so much hope so, that will change as their music has a popular appeal that a lot of my annual selections do not. Comprised of classical and jazzy components the execution of this music is precise and flawless and the "tunes" are very attractive to both to young and old. It's appeal may be that it's difficult to categorize it with some of piano descending from a Keith Jarrett vein and the guitar has some Gypsy jazz components but that would be putting them in a box that they ultimately do not inhabit. I'm hoping that more comes from this duo but if not each has a wonderful cache of excellent music with other musicians. I really like this stuff. A fabulous find!